
   Welcome to the Church of the Risen King


              “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” –  Jesus




Our Mission is to glorify God by making disciples through the gospel of Jesus Christ. God’s mission and the mission of His Church are inseparably linked. If God’s mission is to redeem, free and reconcile His beloved people to Him, then the church’s mission is to be an agent of that reconciliation. We exist to help people find there way back to God so that they experience inner peace, enjoy God and glorify Him forever.


Our Vision  is to be a church of grace-filled people, empowered for community transformation and new church formation, so that the Gospel is faithfully transferred from person to person and generation to generation. As Jesus Christ works in and through us to fulfill our mission and pursue our vision, we expect to see results in Personal, Family and  Community Transformation.



“I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty” –  Jesus



The Church of the Risen King




We are located at 15 Shuart Lane, Ramsey, NJ 07446 

Our Sunday Worship Service is at 11:00 am(EST) 

Wednesday Bible Studies Via Zoom are held from 7 pm to 8 pm

(contact us for zoom link)



Contact us

If you’d like to know more about our church please click here





“For all things come of you, and of your own have we given you”

1 Chronicles 29:14




When we give it reminds us that everything we have has been given to us by God! It helps us to draw closer to Him, and we encourage you to take a step of faith and worship God through your giving!


We believe in the power of generosity — in fact, it’s your generosity that enables The Church of the Risen King to pursue its vision and mission.


You can give by choosing our secure online giving by clicking Giving




You could also give by check  payable to “The Church of the Risen King” and give during offering or mail to the following address:

Church of the Risen King 
15 Shuart Lane,  Ramsey, NJ 07446


We Focus on Jesus Christ



Jesus is central to everything we do at The CRK. We sing, pray, and preach in His Powerful Name. Our past, present, and future is centered on Jesus Christ. Our purpose on this earth is to make much of Jesus Christ. If you’re new to CRK, we would love to get to know you better. 






We are Real People

We are real people infused with dynamic faith, committed to a common vision, joined together in the covenant love of our Creator. We believe in multicultural, multigenerational ministry, who’s sole intention is to reach our community for Christ. We firmly believe that you should come as you are to the feet of Jesus, for he is capable of transforming a broken and contrite heart into a blooming soul that brings Him joy. Our gatherings are very casual but we make it a priority to focus our attention on God’s Word and to give Him all the glory in everything we do.


cross-and-bible-1302668Our Beliefs

At CRK, you will hear the word “gospel” repeatedly because it is the only GOOD NEWS  that we can know and experience. The gospel is not merely a message that needs to be shared with non-Christians, but also with Christians. It is not something that mature Christians move on from, but rather something that they move deeper into. The gospel is the lens in which we view all aspects of life. The Apostle Paul defined the word “gospel” concisely in 1st Corinthians 15:3-5 when he wrote, “Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.” Simply put, the gospel is all about Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, and the implications it has for us. At CRK we are not ashamed of this Good News. 


What to Expectsea-5

You can expect friendly and authentic people, engaging and relevant music and worship, compelling preaching from the Bible, and an opportunity to encounter God. You can expect to find a place where creativity and fellowship come together to worship God in new and exciting ways. You can expect to be encouraged, challenged, convicted, excited and, most importantly, welcomed.



We are an outward looking church wanting to see all men, women and children come to a living faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and enjoy Him forever.